Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sticking to my Guns

I will stick to the rules I laid out.  I won't give in just because it takes more time or to stop the whining.  I will remember that what I teach my daughter today forms who she will be tomorrow. 

These are the things I keep telling myself when I'm feeling tired or frustrated.  I've been working on teaching my toddler to put away her toys after she's done playing with them.  That also means cleaning up messes that she makes.  I have to say that some days this is easier to say then to do.  Sometimes I just want to pick them up myself instead of wasting the added 20 minutes or leaving them there for another day.
My reason, I'm too dang tired.  I'm going on 31 weeks pregnant with my second child and I'm also running this house solo for now.  The only thing that keeps me going is that I don't want my kid to turn into a horror like some other examples I see.  I love my child enough to know that the rules and boundaries I place today benefit her in the future.  It also helps knowing that I will have help in a few weeks when my family comes.
This is my parenting style and I just needed to remind myself why I'm doing this.  What about you?  What are you having trouble with?  What lessons are you currently trying to enforce in your household?

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