I have a little helper. My daughter loves to jump in to help me out with what ever it is that I'm doing. Her favorite activity has to be the laundry. All it takes is a basket of clothes for her to dive right in. Not literally. She likes to hand me the next piece of clothing for me to fold if I ready for it or not. Most of the time I end up with all the clean clothes strewn about the floor. By the time the basket is empty her eyes are set on the folded pile.
As most of you moms out there know that our little helpers make chores last twice, no ten times as long. They are sure cute doing it though. Today she helped me sweep the kitchen floor. As soon as I opened up the pantry she took out the broom and the dust pan. Izzy isn't as tall as the broom but that didn't stop her for a minute. What does your little helper like joining in on?
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that's too cute! Piper loves to help me with her little sister. She'll sing to her or make silly faces to cheer her up, tries to help her walk, etc.