Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pile O' Crap

I'm haven't had the opportunity to blog in awhile and I missed it.  So here I am to tell everyone that I'm still alive. I've written in the past of our pending move and the next thing I know it's here.  The movers will be here either Thursday or Friday to start packing our stuff and by Monday our house should be empty.  This past week it hit me how much I have to do to get ready for this move and how little I'v already done.  I'm running on panic mode going through drawers and cabinets trying to organize.  It amazes me every time we have to relocate how much crap we accumulate.  You never notice all the little nick knacks that find their way into your home until you have to sort it all out.  I'm finding random kid's meals toys, pens, pencils, containers without lids, lids without containers, or things I thought I'd use one day that I never did.  I even found fully packed boxes from our last move that we never unpacked, in 3 years.  So, in the next few days I'm going through a major overhaul to rid our  house of things we don't need or use before we move.  If you don't hear from me I'm probably under a pile of junk and digging my way out.


  1. It is SO True! There are little bits of crap stashed everywhere and you dont notice until something like a move, or the basement floods, or your mother-in-law stays at your house with the kids and cleans out from under your bed (seriously, she said she was looking for something that she dropped and cleaned all the private spaces in my and her 40 year old sons bedroom). But I am sorry to hear that you are moving AND taking care of a little one! For most of us just tackling one closet is a day's worth of work...dismantling a home is insane! Hang in there!!
    jenny at dapperhouse

  2. @Jenny Thank you for stopping by! Wow your MIL used that excuse to go snoop? Sounds kinda "ify" if you ask me.


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